Most couples aren't very adventurous in the
bedroom. When it comes time to get down in between the sheets, few are
bold enough to venture away from traditional standbys like missionary,
cowgirl, spooning, doggy style. It doesn't have to be this way. There
are plenty of inventive sex positions that can result in better orgasms
for you and your partner, and they don't (all) involve contorting your
body into a pretzel. We have a few suggestions—45 of them, to be exact.
know 45 is a lot, but don't be intimidated. Treat this list like a
menu. If you’re feeling limber, go ahead and give The Butter Churner a
shot. If you don’t like it, move on down the list. Not every position is
going to work for every couple. Just because the Wheelbarrow or Heir to
the Throne aren't blowing your minds doesn't mean Gift Wrapped won't do
the trick. There's something here for everyone. (If you do happen to
stumble upon that magical alignment, find out what your favorite position says about you.)
don’t forget: Sex positions are only part of the formula for great sex.
If you're having trouble holding it in enough to pull off some of the
techniques below, find out how you can last longer in bed. You can thank us in the morning.
Sex Position: The Cat
Also known as: Coital Alignment Technique
Benefits: Strong clitoral stimulation. In a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy,
women who were unable to have an orgasm in the missionary position
reported a 56 percent increase in orgasm frequency using the coital
alignment technique. Other studies suggest even greater success, with up
to 73 percent of women achieving orgasm with CAT.
The CAT is very similar to the missionary position except your body is
positioned farther up and to one side. Instead of being chest to chest,
your chest is near her shoulders. Have her bend her legs about 45
degrees to tilt her hips up. This causes the base of your shaft to
maintain constant contact with her clitoris.
Also try: Ask her to straighten her legs. Push your pelvis down a few inches while she pushes up.
Hot tip: Instead
of thrusting up and down, rock forward and back to (hopefully) provide
enough stimulation for her to orgasm. Make this position even better by
grinding your pelvis in a circular motion.
Sex Position: Waterfall
Also known as: Head Rush
Benefits: The blood will rush to your other head too.
Move to the edge of the bed and lie back with your head and shoulders
on the floor as she straddles you. The blood will rush to your head
creating mind-blowing sensations upon orgasm.
Sex Position: One Up
Also known as: Over Your Shoulder, The Hamstring Stretch
Benefits: This is the best sex position for women who are particularly sensitive along one side of the clitoris.
Kneel on the floor with her lying on the edge of the bed. Raise one of
her legs and ask her to support her leg by wrapping her hands around her
hamstring just below the knee. With one hip raised, she’ll be able to
add some movement to aid in your stroking or to help move you to the
perfect spot.
Also try: Encourage her to wriggle a little to help you get the rhythm right.
Hot tip:
During oral sex allow the knuckle of your finger to trail behind your
tongue. The contrast between soft flesh of the tongue and hard bone of
the finger will create a pleasing sensation. (For more oral pleasure
positions, check out Your Ultimate Guide to Oral Sex.)
Hot tip for her: She can let you know the tongue pressure and technique she prefers by demonstrating with her mouth on your earlobe.
Sex Position: The Cowgirl
Also known as: Woman On Top
Benefits: Puts her in control. Great for G-spot stimulation and her orgasm.
Woman-on-top is one of the best sex positions because it allows for a
variety of interesting sights and sensations, and offers her the
psychological advantage of taking charge of pace and depth of
penetration. Alternate between shallow and deep thrusts. "Shallow will
stimulate the front third of the vagina, which is the most sensitive,"
says sex therapist Rebecca Rosenblat, author of Seducing Your Man.
Also try: Lie
chest to chest, with her stretching her legs out on top of your legs.
She should brace her feet on the tops of yours and push off to create a
rocking motion that will rub her vulva and clitoral area against your
pubic bone for greater pleasure.
Hot tip:
It will be easier for her to climax if you stimulate her manually and
orally until she is extremely aroused. From the woman-on-top position,
have her squat over your face so you can orally stimulate her.
Sex Position: The Hot Seat
Also known as: The Love Seat, The Man Chair
Benefits: Good G-spot stimulation.
Sit on the edge of the bed or on a chair with your feet on the floor.
She turns away and backs up onto you, sitting between your legs. She can
ride back and forth by pushing off the chair arms or pressing up with
her feet. She can control the angle of entry by arching her back and
pressing her buttocks into your groin. While doggy style is about your
dominance, The Hot Seat puts her in the driver's seat. And that makes it
one of the best sex positions for both of you.
Also try: She
can reach under and stimulate the base of your penis, scrotum, and
perineum. Meanwhile, you can reach around and stimulate her nipples.
Sex Position: Spin Cycle
Also known as: Maytag Repair Man
Benefits: Extra vibes.
This is a variation on the Hot Seat with her sitting in your lap, but
this time planting yourselves on top of a washing machine set at the
highest agitator cycle.
Sex Position: Stairway to Heaven
Also known as: Step Lively
Benefits: Good hand holds for her, and you don't have to wait until reaching the bedroom.
This is a variation on the Hot Seat with her sitting on top of you
while you sit on one of the stairs of a staircase. Stairs offer good
seating possibilities, and a hand rail for extra support and lifting
leverage for her.
Sex Position: Reverse Cowgirl
Also known as: Rodeo Drive, Half Way Around the World
With a pillow under your head, you get an awesome view of her backside.
She can control depth of penetration and pace with this sex position.
Lie on your back with your legs outstretched. She kneels next to you,
then turns and spreads her legs, straddling your hips and facing your
feet. Kneeling, she lowers herself onto your penis and begins riding
Also try: Have her lean forward or back to change the angle of the penis for greater stimulation.
Hot tip for her: From this position, she can easily reach down to stimulate herself or direct your penis to where it feels best.
Sex Position: Pole Position
Also known as: Thighmaster
Benefits: Dual stimulation for her; for you—a great view of her rear and your penis entering her.
Lie on your back and bend one of your legs, keeping the other
outstretched. She straddles the raised leg with a thigh on either side
and lowers herself onto your member so that her back is facing you. She
should hold your knee and use it for support as she rocks up and down.
Also try: She can press her vulva hard against your upper thigh rubbing as the feeling dictates.
Hot tip for her: From Pole Position, she can massage your raised leg during the action. Or reach down and touch your perineum.
Sex Position: Face Off
Also known as: The Lap Dance
Benefits: Allows for face-to-face intimacy; cozy for long sessions.
Sit on a chair or the edge of the bed. She then faces you, wraps her
arms around your back, climbs on top, and sits on your lap. Once in the
saddle, she can can ride up and down on your penis by pressing with her
legs or knees. Want to go faster? Assist by grabbing her buttocks and
lifting and bouncing.
Also try: She
can sit astride facing you on a rocking chair. Old wooden rockers on
hardwood or stone floors provide the greatest variety of good vibes.
Hot tip:
There's lots of room for creativity in this position for stimulating
erogenous areas of the upper body, head, neck, and face. If she likes to
have her nipples licked, go for it!
Sex Position: The Lazy Man
Also known as: The Squat Thrust
Benefits: Puts her in control, maintains intimacy.
Place pillows behind your back and sit on the bed with legs
outstretched. She straddles your waist, feet on the bed. She then bends
her knees to lower herself onto you, using one hand to direct your penis
in. Just by pressing on the balls of her feet and releasing, she can
raise and lower herself on your shaft as slowly or quickly as she
Also try: From this position, you both lie back into the Spider position or its more challenging variation The X.
Sex Position: David Copperfield
Also known as: Trick & Treat
Benefits: This sex position is the piece de resistance for women who prefer a strong, upward stroking motion.
Technique: Place a pillow under her hips to tilt her pelvis up. Bend her knees so she can place her feet on your shoulder blades.
Also try: Amplify
your oral efforts with a simple sleight-of-hand trick: While you lap
away, try using your hands to push gently upward on her abdomen,
stretching her skin away from her pubic bone, and helping to coax the
head of her clitoris out from beneath the hood.
Hot tip:
Let your tongue rest firmly and flat against the full length of her
vaginal entrance, then have her move and grind against your tongue.
Sex Position: Heir to the Throne
Also known as: Lazy Girl
Benefits: The ultimate sex position for oral on the go, use this to get her in the mood and help her cut loose.
Have your partner sit on a chair with her legs wide open. You take it
from there. This is a good sex position for either beginning the slow
build-up with loose, broad, strokes, or ending with strong suction. Your
partner is able to easily guide you, and she's able to get a full view
of you between her legs, which is a turn-on for many women.
Also try: Switch to a swivel chair and turn it left and right as you hold your tongue stationary.
Hot tip:
Insert your index and ring fingers and stroke in a "come hither" motion
to wake up her G-spot using this sex position. With either your tongue
or other hand, apply pressure to her pubic bone. This dual stimulation
executed just right will send her over the edge.
Sex Position: Closed for Business
Benefits: A variation of One Up that allows for slow buildup.
Some women find direct clitoral stimulation uncomfortable. Having her
close her legs during oral sex may help. Place your hand above her
public mound applying light pressure, then rub your firm tongue on the
area around the clitoris to add indirect stimulation.
Hot tip:
During oral sex allow the knuckle of your index finger of your free
hand to trail behind your tongue. The contrast between the soft flesh of
the tongue and hard bone of the finger will create a pleasing
Sex Position: The Pretzel
Also known as: The Pretzel Dip, The Camel Ride
Benefits: The deep penetration of doggy-style while face to face.
Kneel and straddle her left leg while she is lying on her left side.
She will bend her right leg around the right side of your waist, which
will give you access to enter her vagina. For many women, rear entry
hurts their backs. This sex position allows her to lounge comfortably
while enjoying deep penetration.
Also try: Manually
stimulate her using your fingers. Or withdraw your penis and, holding
the shaft with your left hand, rub the head against her clitoris to
bring her to the brink of orgasm then you can reinsert when she wants
you inside her.
Hot tip: Be
gentle with her clitoris. It's more sensitive than your penis, so touch
lightly at first. Some women even prefer gentle pressure around it
rather than direct stimulation. Go soft, then increase speed and
Hot tip for her: And ask her to direct you, faster, slower, lighter, harder.
Sex Position: The G-Whiz
Also known as: The Shoulder Holder, The Anvil
Benefits: Allows deep penetration and targeting the G-spot
She lies on her back. You kneel between her legs and raise them,
resting her calves over your shoulders. Rock her in a side-to-side and
up-and-down motion to bring the head and shaft of your penis in direct
contact with the front wall of her vagina. Because this angle allows for
deep penetration, thrust slowly at first avoid causing her discomfort.
Also try: Bring
her legs down and have her place her feet on your chest in front of
your shoulders. This allows her to control the tempo and depth of
Hot tip: Notice her
nearing orgasm. You do that by listening for her breath to become short
and shallow. Flushed skin and slightly engorged breasts also indicate
she's nearing the peak of her arousal.
Sex Position: Man's Best Friend
Also known as: Doggy-Style
Benefits: Deep penetration and an erotic view.
This could be your next move after starting in The Flatiron sex
position. Entering her from behind, you'll be able to thrust deep so the
tip of your penis touches her cervix, an often-neglected pleasure zone.
But you should do this slowly and gently. Some women find it painful.
Hot tip for her:
She may be able to increase the intensity of your orgasm by pushing her
pelvic floor muscles outward, as if trying to squeeze something out of
her vagina. This causes the vaginal walls to lower, making her G-spot
more accessible.
Sex Position: The Flatiron
Also known as: Downward Dog, The Belly Flop
Benefits: Intensifies vaginal pleasure.
She lies face down on the bed, knees slightly bent and hips slightly
raised. For comfort, and to increase the angle of her hips, she can
place a pillow under her lower abs. You enter her from behind and keep
your weight off of her by propping yourself up with your arms. This
position creates a snug fit, making you feel larger to her.
Also try: You'll last longer in this position if you switch to shallower thrusts and begin deep breathing.
Hot tip:
Less friction means less stimulation—and can help you last longer. Try
using a very slippery silicon-based lubricant, which may allow you to
thrust longer before reaching orgasm.
Sex Position: Butter Churner
Also known as: Squat Thruster
Benefits: An extra rush of blood to her head to increase her ecstasy.
Have your partner lie on her back with her legs raised over her head.
This is not a plain Jane position! Squat over her and dip your penis in
and out of her. Be extra careful to thrust lightly to avoid stressing
her neck.
Also try: By removing yourself fully, you'll give her the extremely pleasurable feeling of you first entering her over and over again.
Hot tip:
Novelty ignites passion by increasing your brain's levels of dopamine, a
neurotransmitter linked to romance and sex drive, says biological
anthropologist Helen Fisher, PhD. The Butter Churner qualifies for
novelty, but you don't need to go to such extremes to sustain romance.
Anything that's new and different will do the trick.
Sex Position: The Ballet Dancer
Also known as: Get a Leg Up
Erotic move for quickies in tight quarters. Good option for outdoor
sex. Allows for easier penetration. She has control of thrusting, depth,
and angle.
Technique: You
stand facing one another. She raises one of her legs up and wraps it
around your buttocks or thigh and pulls you into her with her leg.
Also try: If her wrapped leg gets tired, cradle it with your arm. If she's very flexible, lift her leg over your shoulder.
Hot tip:
Try this standing position in a hot shower. During the steamy foreplay,
rub each other's entire body with a coarse salt scrub to stimulate
nerve endings and blood flow.
Sex Position: Stand and Deliver
Also known as: The Bicycle
Benefits: You can enjoy the view of your penis thrusting.
at the edge of a bed or desk while she lies back and raises her legs to
her chest. Her knees are bent as if she's doing a "bicycling" exercise.
Grab her ankles and enter her. Thrust slowly as the deep penetration
may be painful for her.
Also try: Have her place her heels on your shoulders, which will open her hips so her labia press against you.
Hot tip for her: Encourage her to play with her clitoris manually. Also, show her that she can control your penetration by flexing her thighs.
Sex Position: Iron Chef
Also known as: Kitchen Confidential
Benefits: Good sex position for a quickie with deep penetration.
A variation of The Ballet Dancer in which she raises her legs up and
wraps them around your butt or thighs. Your kitchen counter is the
perfect height for this standing-to-seated appetizer.
Sex Position: H2Ohh Yeah
Also known as: Aquaman's Delight
Benefits: Good for an outdoors quickie, while still avoiding prying eyes.
Another variation of The Ballet Dancer. Her buoyancy in the water makes
this sex position easier to hold. And all you need to do is shift some
bathing suit material out of the way of certain body parts; the
lifeguards will be none the wiser.
Sex Position: Wheelbarrow, Standing
Also known as: The Hoover Maneuver
Benefits: Calorie burner because it's so athletic. You can stroll around the house in this position, but draw the shades first.
You enter her as you would in standing, rear entry, but lift her up by
the pelvis and have her grip your waist with her legs. Summer camp
wheelbarrow races were never this much fun!
Also try: Ask her to rhythmically squeeze her PC muscles to help her climax.
Sex Position: Seated Wheelbarrow
Also known as: Wheelbarrow At Rest
Benefits: Less strenuous than the standing varieties of this sex position, while still offering intense sensation.
Also try: Try the wheelbarrow while sitting on the edge of a bed or chair. Movement is limited, but penetration is deep.
Hot tip: Make some noise. Explore the deeper sexual response and energy by letting loose with powerful sounds, a roar, perhaps?
Sex Position: The Standing Dragon
Also known as: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Serpent
Benefits: An ideal position for G-spot stimulation. Seeing the round curves of her rear tends to be highly erotic for you.
Technique: Stand and enter her from behind as she poses on all fours on the edge of the bed and arches her back to lift her buttocks.
Also try: With your legs outside of hers, use your thighs to squeeze her knees together, which tightens her vagina around your penis.
Sex Position: Restroom Attendant
Also known as: Drop the Soap
Benefits: Good for a quickie at a party.
Slip into a bathroom and ask her to look into the mirror while you
enter her from behind. It lets you have eye contact during the
G-spot-targeting rear-entry sex position.
Sex Position: Couch Surfer
Also known as: The Lazy Susan
Benefits: Convenient for a quickie and adds spice outside the bedroom.
Ask her to bend her body over the arm of a couch as you enter her from
behind. She can grind on the firm but cushy arm for multiple stimulation
with minimal effort.
Also try: Have her cross her ankles. This will squeeze her vaginal and gluteal muscles tightly around your penis.
Sex Position: Quickie-Fix
Also known as: The Bends
Benefits: Greater thrusting power, and good for quickie sex in your kitchen, especially if she is wearing a skirt.
Ask her to bend at the waist and rest her hands on a piece of
furniture, her knees or the floor for support. You enter her from behind
and hold her hips for support as you thrust.
Also try: Reach below to caress her clitoris for extra stimulation.
Hot tip: Massage her shoulders or stimulate her breasts by bending over her.
Sex Position: Mountain Climber
Also known as: The Pushup
Benefits: Creates great eye-to-eye contact. Keeps your weight off her bod.
There's a reason women swoon when they see a six pack. They know a man
with strong abs is going to be great in the sack. The mountain climber
position shows off your strength and hard abs (if you have them). While
between her legs, assume the standard "up" sex position.
Also try: Lower yourself to kiss her teasingly while thrusting with your shoulders as well as your pelvis.
Hot tip:
Tease her with a series of moves: by entering with just the tip;
thrusting just halfway in; then removing yourself and stroking her
outside with your member. She can reach down and grab your shaft and rub
her clitoris with it.
Sex Position: Quicker Picker Upper
Also known as: The Pillow Driver
Benefits: A little bit of variety if missionary begins to feel stale; good upper body exercise.
Place a pillow under the small of her back or her buttocks to tilt her
pelvis and change the angle of your penetration for different
sensations. Bracing yourself with your hands on the bed as in a pushup
position, you take your weight off her body.
Sex Position: Missionary
Also known as: The Matrimonial, Male Dominant
Benefits: Lots of eye and body contact.
The most commonly used position in the world, the missionary is an
especially intimate position allowing for face-to-face contact. You like
it because you can control penetration depth and speed of thrusting.
She enjoys feeling your weight on her body, and the maximum skin-to-skin
contact. Note that this position can make it more difficult to hold off
ejaculation because of the intense friction and deep thrusting. To
lengthen lovemaking, start there then switch to a position that
maintains clitoral pressure without so much pelvic back and forth.
Also try: Push up to create space in between you to sneak a small vibrator down for buzzing the top of her mound.
Hot tip:
Raise her left leg so her knee is level with your right shoulder. Keep
her other leg flat on the bed. Thrust toward the inner thigh of her
raised leg. This adjustment forces tighter penetration and more clitoral
Sex Position: Spoon
Also known as: The Sleeper Hold
Comfortable sex position if she's pregnant or you're heavy. Also ideal
for long lovemaking. Good one for falling asleep afterward.
You both lie on your sides facing the same direction, you behind her.
She bends her knees and pushes her rear back toward you for easier
access to her vagina. Adjusting the lean of your bodies will vary the
angle of entry and help with rocking and thrusting.
Also try: Synchronize
your breathing. One of you takes the lead and the other follows so that
you inhale and exhale together. The coordinated rhythm opens an
unspoken dialogue of intimacy.
Hot tip:
To give her the sensation of greater width inside her, from the Spoon
position have her bend and lift her top leg to her breasts. Adjust your
position so you are more on top of her top hip than behind her.
Sex Position: Spork
Also known as: Spoon and Fork Combo, Scissoring
Benefits: Offers a natural bridge to more creative positions.
She lies on her back, and raises her right leg so you can position
yourself between her legs at a 90-degree angle and enter. Her legs will
form the tines of a spork, a spoon-and-fork utensil. She can do this
with you facing her or facing her back.
Also try: If she's limber, lift her left leg up to increase the depth of penetration.
Hot tip for her:
From the Spork position, have her lift her top leg and support it by
resting it on your shoulder. From here, she can easily stimulate her
clitoris using her fingers while you're inside her.
Sex Position: Gift Wrapped
Also known as: The Horny Mantis
Benefits: Relaxing position with deeper penetration and increased intimacy.
Both of you lie on your sides facing one another. She bends and spreads
her legs, and angles her vagina toward you. You lift your legs between
hers to enter while she wraps her legs around your back.
Also try: She can use her legs and feet to pull you close during thrusts for deeper penetration.
Sex Position: Spoon, Facing
Also known as: Sidewinder
Benefits: A very intimate face-to-face position that encourages hugging and kissing.
This is an ideal position if she is pregnant or either one of you had a
knee injury because it keeps weight off the body. To get into the
position, begin by lying on your sides and facing one another. She
spreads her legs slightly to allow you to enter her, then closes her
legs so the part of your shaft that's outside can press against her
clitoris. It's easy to kiss from this intimate face-to-face position.
Also try: Because
thrusting is more difficult in this position, use different techniques
such as grinding, circular, and up-and-down motions for added
Hot tip: Hug each
other for 20 seconds before getting busy. Hugging raises your levels of
oxytocin, a bonding hormone your body produces naturally, and that will
enhance your connection.
Sex Position: The X Position
Also known as: Crisscross
Benefits: Prolonged slow sex to build arousal. Shallow thrusts stimulate the nerve endings in the head of your penis.
Sit on the bed facing each other with legs forward. Lift your right leg
over her left and she lifts her right leg over your left. Come together
so you can enter. Now both of you lie back, with your legs forming an
X. Slow, leisurely gyrations replace thrusting.
Also try: Reach
out and hold hands to pull together for pelvic thrusting. Also, take
turns alternatively sitting up and lying back without changing the
Sex Position: Snow Angel
Also known as: Bottom's Up
Benefits: She gets a prime view of your derriere.
This is challenging: She lies on her back while you straddle her facing
away. She lifts her legs and wraps them around your back to elevate her
pelvis so you can enter. She then grabs your butt to help you slide up
and back. She can add a little massage action to her grip also.
Hot tip:
Spin around into missionary style to face her while trying to stay
inserted. Then switch positions, this time with her on top and facing
Sex Position: The Fusion
Also known as: Getting a Leg Up
Benefits: Quicker orgasms for her; easier motions.
From The Spider, she can lift her legs onto your shoulders, which
increases the muscular tension that advances the orgasm sequence. By
elevating her butt off the bed, it'll be easier for her to thrust and
grind in circles.
Sex Position: The Spider
Benefits: You both can still maintain eye contact while viewing the action at center stage.
Both of you are seated on the bed with legs toward one another, arms
back to support yourselves. Now move together and she moves onto you.
Her hips will be between your spread legs, her knees bent and feet
outside of your hips and flat on the bed. Now rock back and forth.
Also try: She
grabs your hands and pulls herself up into a squatting position while
you lie back. Or you can remain seated upright and pull her against your
chest into the Lazy Man position.
Hot tip:
Help turn her on by straddling her bottom and massaging her back. While
you're busy with your hands, she can wiggle, grind, and move her mons
pubis in a circular motion against the sheets to stimulate the clitoris.
Sex Position: Hovering Butterfly
Also known as: The Face Sitter
Benefits: She can direct the position of your tongue and the pressure against her by rising up or pressing down.
She straddles you placing her knees at your ears. She can hold onto a
wall or headboard for support. While you're doing your thing, she can
use her fingers to graze her nipples or rub the top of her vulva.
Also try: Hold your tongue firm as she gyrates her hips, pressing her clitoris against it.
Sex Position: Sixty Nine
Also known as: Inverted 69, Over and Under
Benefits: Simultaneous oral pleasure.
When she's on top in 69, she can control the intensity of oral
stimulation on her clitoris by lifting or pressing her pelvis. From this
position it's easy to work her finger magic on your perineum, the
sensitive area just below your testicles. Also try the man-on-top
Also try: Roll over onto your sides in the 69 sex position.
Hot tip for her:
Place a cup of warm tea and an ice cube on the nightstand near the bed.
When she gives you oral sex, she can alternate placing the ice cube
then the tea in her mouth.
Sex Position: The Face Sitter
Also known as: Hovering Dragonfly
Benefits: A comfortable position for the woman. An erotic one for you.
Technique: Rest a pillow behind her head, then straddle her shoulders. Support yourself by holding the bed's headboard or the wall.
Hot tip for her: If her mouth becomes dry after awhile, she can add some mint- or fruit-flavored lube to your shaft.
Sex Position: The Elevator
Also known as: The Bees Knees
Benefits: Great for out-of-bedroom fellatio.
She kneels in front of you, covering her teeth with her lips and
encircling your glans with her mouth. She then slowly pistons her lips
up and down on your shaft, alternating speeds and occasionally stopping
to move her tongue over and around your head.
Also try: Lean
a dressing mirror against a wall to the side of your body so you can
enjoy the view of her going down on you from the side versus top down.
Hot tip for her: For variation, she can take one of your testicles into her mouth as she strokes the shaft with her hand.
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